Jelly Bean Hits


Our Very First


It’s fantastic that you’re considering installing Jelly Bean Rubber Mulch for your home playground. Unlike traditional rubber mulch, you won’t have to worry about dangerous wires, or paint leeching onto your children, since its made from a pre-consumer virgin rubber. The material is sterile, latex free, odorless, 100 percent free of contaminants and does not hold heat. Check our commercial for more on Jelly Bean.

What Our Customers are Saying

Kids love the Jelly Bean mulch. They love the colors - it is not hot to step on in the summer. It is easy to walk and run on. I was surprised how solid it feels under foot.
Marsha Hammond
Mayor of Coloma Michigan
We did one playground as a test then did others after we saw how well it worked.
Lloyd V.
School Maintenance Manager
Playground Rubber Mulch
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(877) 249-8818

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